By 3:30 in the afternoon we reached Jerash, another city in the Roman Decapolis. Jerash is easily accessible, just off the road from Amman to Damascus. I last visited there 6 years ago when I got stranded in Amman for the day en route from Beirut to Tel Aviv. Jerash is spectacular, but not as dramatic as Petra or Palmyra, and not as big as Baalbeck or Didyma.
We took photos of the triple arch of Hadrian, theaters, roads, oval colonnade, nymphaeum, tetrapylons, temples of Baal and Artemis, and early Christian churches. Thus far, I've managed to remain safe from the real dangers of the Middle East - I haven't bought one thing from a pleading child, no matter how insistent.
We are spending 2 nights at ACOR - the American Center for Oriental Research in Amman, and tommorow, we are off to see some desert castles.
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