I'm coming to the end of a 2 week teaching break. It started fun with a tour of the Yarra Valley Wineries with some of my colleagues. A visitor, Haim Gitler, Curator of Numismatics at the Israel Museum of Jerusalem came to Melbourne to give some lectures. He had a free day and wanted to do something, so this gave us a great excuse to visit some wineries! In the top photo, Haim and I are in front and in the back, from left to right: Brian, KO, Kevin, and Roger. Touring wineries is just about my favorite thing to do in Australia and we finished the day at the Domain Chandon winery (aka Mecca).
The rest of the time was unremarkable: grading about 50 papers - most of them on ushabti figurines, doing my US taxes so the IRS doesn't hunt me down, and drafting a grant proposal. The fun isn't over yet - I still have to do my Australian taxes. Moving here means I get to have double my fun.
There is hope on the horizon: we are going to California in November for 3 weeks and I have managed to score tickets for the Rage Against the Machine concert in January.
I see you're wearing a Palestinian scarf.. :)
Never thought someone Jewish would do that.. :)
I'm wearing a keffieyeh Israel with blue & white stars of David. I'm not Jewish. In fact, I'm hafl Lebanese. I do have a large colleetion of Middle East scraves includine Palestinian and Hashimate.
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