Week 4 found us with a much reduced team as most of the undergraduates returned to classes. The week was spent drawing sections, then taking down the shade so we could clean for final photographs at Tell es-Safi/Gath. It was wicked hot and reminded me of the many projects I’ve worked on where there was no shade. It was a frenzied week of sweeping our Area, A2 and helping out of neighboring areas in preparation for the final photographs.

Here Alex adjusts the meter stick for photographing the temple in the area neighboring ours. How do we know it's a temple? There are many parallels with the Temple at Tell Qasile. You can find out more info on Aren Maeir's blog: gath.wordpress.com
In addition, we scanned many of our notes. The week ended with final photographs, followed by aerial photographs, and covering our area to protect it.